Thursday, April 19, 2012

(Year 1, Day 79) - Bitching time is over.

It has been about 5 weeks since I first experienced an IT band issue half way through an 11 mile run.  Adding this to the tennis elbow and golfer's elbow that I currently have in BOTH arms, I have been unable to run, weight train, anything I love doing. 
I work a desk job.  As  an engineer, I spend 8 hours a day in a chair.  This comes directly after, lets say, 7 to 8 hours of sleep.  My body is basically completely immobile for 16-18 hours straight (which is no different than a majority of Americans).  My FAVORITE part of the day is when 5 o'clock rolls around and I can get active.  I drive directly to the gym, or throw on the running shoes, or hit the golf course.  It's what I live for.  I love it.  But over the last 5 weeks, when 5 o'clock rolls around, I simply move from the desk chair to another chair.  I watch some TV, surf the web, eat some dinner.  Pretty boring.  It is unbearably boring.

"Erik.  Stop complaining and rest a little.  You can use it."

I try to justify that statement, but I can't.  I want to run.  I want to workout.  I want to do the things I love to do more than anything else. 

It's not 'resting for a few weeks' that is so hard for me to handle.  Its not knowing how long that rest will be that is mentally and emotionally unbearable.  I read stories, online, of gym rats with tennis elbow, and they have been suffering & out of the gym for years...with no return in sight.  Its the uncertainty that really wears on me. 

I know this sounds like a cry, bitch, and moan session...but its not.  I have made the decision that my pissing and moaning is over, and my proactive rehab is beginning. 

I will outline my active rehab plans soon.