Friday, March 2, 2012

(Year 1, Day 31) - PITT HALF, Week 3 of 12, Day 2,3,4,5,6,7

Back on the track.  Did I mention how much I love late night track workouts? :) 

The only negative to the workout was the moron walking in lane 1.  Don't get me wrong, I totally understand that some people are not educated in track etiquette (even tho a sign at the track entrance reads "walkers use outside lanes").  And in most cases it wouldn't bother me that someone's walking in lane 1.  But when your 10 year old daughter tells you to move to the outside for the approaching runner, and you look at the runner (as if he has two heads) and simply ignore her have moved from an acceptable uneducated track-user, to an unacceptable biotch :)

Warmup:     1600m acceleration
Workout:     8 x 400 @ 5k pace (90sec)
Recovery:    200m walk/jog
Cool Down:  800m 

One 400m interval has been added to the workout from two weeks ago.  I was really hoping my knees would feel better than they did in yesterday's spin class.  I had already mentally prepared myself to drop out if need be.  But to my delight, everything felt great.  After a week of focusing on my stride, it was a lot easier to pick up the pace without resorting to pushing off with calves and Achille's.


In need of an easy day tomorrow.  And for some reason, looking forward to Thursday's distance run :)

runClub night.  Beautiful weather...around 50 degrees.  Got to run in shorts and a light long sleeve T.  Ran 4 miles with Ian.  Everything felt pretty good.

yeaaaahhhhhhhhhhh...distance runs feeling good!

1:15 run.  Approximately 9.5 miles.  8min pace. 

This distance run was such a huge success.  About 2 miles into the run my lower back began to hurt.  At first I thought "shit, I hope that goes away."  But of course it only got worse over the next few minutes.

Old me:  try to ignore it, and push through the pain.

New me:  "Is my column straight?  Check. "Are my legs spinning behind me?  Check."  "Am I falling forward from my ankles?  AHH HAH!  No, I am bending at the waist, not from the ankles.

I paused, straightened my column, and fell forward at the ankles.  EUREKA!  Back pain vanished!

Chi Running, how i love thee...

Today is rest.  I will be driving to seven springs to ski for the weekend, with Mandy.  Two days full of skiing will account for 3 miles.

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