Tuesday, February 28, 2012

(Year 1, Day 28) - PITT HALF, Week 3 of 12, Day 1

Approximately 30 minutes into the 60 minute spin workout, my knees started buggin me (feeling a little pain in my knees during a spin class is nothing out of the ordinary).  Spin classes are very intense, and can be dangerous to those with knee problems.  You need to listen to your body, and not be scared to respond appropriately.  I backed off a little, as i usually do, but unfortunately every time I hopped back into the workout they only felt worse.  I had to make the decision to ignore the rest of the group, and do a light spin for the remaining 30minutes of the workout.
I dont know what it is about my state of mind...but backing off in a group workout is very difficult for me.  I start feeling self-conscious about not going with the group... "what are they thinking about me?"  "they think i cant hang with them."  "he thinks Im self-absorbed and dont wanna do what the rest of the group is doing."

I have no idea why I get like this.  My mind has worked in this way since I began running.  I have to try and hide things.  I remember back to my senior year of track.  At this point I had been running competitively for almost 6 years.  In those 6 years I had NEVER ONCE BEEN INJURED (we had teammates who get injured every year...every season). 
Toward middle/end of the season I was running a track workout with our state-hopeful 3200 relay team.  After completing an interval, I could feel an out-of-ordinary pain in my right quad.  I could tell something wasnt quite right, but my mindset at the time was, "suck it up...you dont get hurt.  finish the workout and worry about it then."  It was almost like i was scared to say something.  Scared to back out of the workout.  My next interval was a 200m sprint.  We lined up at turn 3.  My coach dropped his arm from the finish line and we took off.  Predictably, coming around turn 4, my right quad pulls severely.  The rest of the team blows down the final straightaway, and I come hobbling down on one leg.
Even in this time of absolutely certainty over the condition of my leg, I STILL found it difficult to explain that something is terribly wrong and that I need to see the trainer. 
I know I said earlier that "I have no idea why I get like this," but I have just had an ah ha moment. 

I want to take responsibility for my own thoughts and actions.  I dont want to point fingers.  But we cannot help the fact that other people effect us in both positive and negatives ways throughout our lives.

I had been blessed with talented coaches throughout my first 5 years of running competitively.  However, my final season was overseen by a somewhat power-hungry coach man.  I understand that anyone and everyone who coaches a sport, teaches a class, or builds a home for a living is going to come into their job with a different approach.  This man came into his job with a very I-dont-trust-any-of-my-athletes attitude (which I realize, now, effected me in a very negative way).  He looked to everyone with a suspicious eye.  If you did not fit his strict-mold to the tee, he would punish you with no running.  He did not understand the lifestyle of a runner, and I did not understand him.

In six fucking years I had NEVER been injured in ANYWAY what-so-ever.  Athletes of my school would live in the trainers office...I had never stepped foot in it.  And now I am experiencing my first serious injury, coming at the worst possible time, with hopes of a state-qualifying relay in jeopardy.
When i reach the end of the final straightaway, I attempt to explain my leg.  The look I received from my "coach" (the man who is supposed to understand what we are going through, and look out for our well-being) was one of 'uh huh, stop trying to get out of a hard workout'. 
It has been quite a while since this event occurred, and I do not want to miss-quote someone....but I believe the first words out of his mouth when i reached the line were...in his often critical tone, "whats wrong with you?"
Are you kidding me?  This is what I get for trying to listen to my body?  Suspicion?  Accused of bailing on a workout?  Fuck you.

It is clear now why I ran that next 200m interval.  It was clear, in my head, that I should not be stepping to the line.  But I knew if I said anything, it would be met with 100% suspicion.

I didnt mean for this post to turn into a heated attack of a person who's not even in my life any longer.  But I think it is important for me to realize that not everyone is as suspicious as him.  I was in that spin class yesterday, my knees starting to hurt, when I decide I need to back off and not risk injury.  I spent the remainder of the workout doing an easy spin, and thinking about how everyone else is thinking I'm pussing out. 

Erik, stop worrying about everyone else!..NO ONE CARES!  These people are not taking hours out of their day to come critique your workout.  They are their to improve their own quality of life, just as you are there to improve yours.  They dont give a damn if your Lance Armstrong or the goofy lady in the back corner singing to herself. 


Monday, February 27, 2012

(Year 1, Day 27) - 10 weeks to PITTSBURGH!

2 weeks of training is in the books.  These are the kind of weeks I enjoy...when all runs are done on the days I had originally planned.  Something about not having to juggle the week makes me feel more accomplished.  Not that it matters...probably just my over sensitive need for structure...

I used the 4miler on Wednesday & 8 miler on Sunday to really focus on my stride and block everything else out.  After a very difficult first week, this week felt MUCH BETTER.  I put some mileage on the legs, and everything feels great.

This upcoming week will be a lot of juggling.  Mandy and I will be at 7 springs Friday-Sunday...so all the runs will be done between Monday and Thursday. 

Monday = Spin
Tuesday = Track Workout
Wednesday = 4 mile runClub
Thursday = Long run

Holy shit...better get crackin!


(Year 1, Day 27) - PITT HALF, Week 2 of 12, Day 5,6,7

MUCH NEEDED day off.  Mandy, due to a commitment this Sunday, had to run her distance day today.  I went with her to the school and was considering spending some time on the track to practice my stride.  I decided that a full rest would be more beneficial to my body, and did not work on the stride.

Mandy did however do her distance run...i thought she was gonna blow away.  What a trooper!

Another good/hard skate.  Thundercats extend their win streak to 3 in a row!  Body felt great all day.  Only negative is that puck drop was at 11:30pm.  DIdnt get to sleep till 2am...and long run in the a.m.

So what, lets do it!

Mornings like this are why I'm so happy to be a runner.

Surprisingly, after getting to bed around 2am from an 11:30 hockey game, I did not struggle to wake-up at all.  The past week has been hanging around in the 40s/50s, so having a cold/snowy evening was a little shocker.  But the morning was beautiful! 

I arrived at the trail around 9am.  When i pulled into the trail head there was not a single vehicle awaiting my arrival.  The sun was shining, the air was cold, and an untouched coating of snow was waiting for me on the trail.  Life doesnt get any better:)

60min distance run.  Put in 8 miles even in 1:04.19.  Speed did not fluxuate at all...stayed at a very consistent 8-8:05 minute pace.  The run felt pretty easy in general.  Tried to stay at a relaxed pace so i could concentrate on my stride throughout.  The entire run felt very comfortable except for the last 2 miles...and that was not due to the pace, but more so my morning cup-o-coffee catching up with my stomach (gross face).

Ready for a long day of beer and wings with the Kowalski family.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

(Year 1, Day 23) - PITT HALF, Week 2 of 12, Day 4

Hill Workout.  First one in quite some time.  I must say, I am a little surprised I even went through with it.  Running hill repeats kind of goes against what I have learned via Chi Running.  Hitting the hills can be quite rough on the knees, and you must be careful not to power your way up the hill.  Lean further forward, and fall to the top.

If you're new to hill workouts, I have what I think is important advice:  do NOT kill the hill!  I used to run hill repeats with the notion of getting to the top as fast I could.  Hell with my knees, quads, and calves.  The harder I pound the hill, the stronger my muscles will become, and the better runner I will be (sounds like most of my young career). 

This, in my opinion, is stupid.  We run as preparation to race.  So let me ask you:

You are 20 miles deep into a grueling marathon.  Your muscles ache, your mind is weary, and you are approaching a severe incline.  Are you going to sprint and power your way up this hill as quickly as you possibly can? 
When you run your hill workouts, run them as to prepare for your race.  I am not telling you to crawl up the hill...but don't go crazy.  The most important part of your hill interval is post-hill

Go back to mile 20 of the marathon.  The most important thing is to continue running a strong race AFTER the hill.  No matter what you do, anything short of taking a taxi, you will be exhausted at the crest...i promise you this.  But this is when you must refocus your mind and concentrate on your form.
So when you run your hill repeats, focus on just that.  Get up the hill...I promise your heart will be pumping no matter how fast you move.  When the ground beneath you starts to level out, and your mind begins thinking "thank goodness, time for a quick rest", force yourself to focus on your stride:  "Am I leaning forward at the ankles?" "Are my legs turning behind me?"  "Are my arms at 90 degrees?" 

It is not easy to focus your mind at the top of a steep climb, but that's why we are practicing it!  And I guarantee it will be easier to refocus if you haven't tried to break the land speed record on your way up.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

(Year 1, Day 22) - PITT HALF, Week 2 of 12, Day 3

Great run tonight.  4 miles at race pace.  Everything felt awesome; shins, knees, stride, breathing...everything.  Held a consistent 7:15 pace, and felt fine with it.  This is exactly the kind of run I needed after a sub-par week.

(Year 1, Day 22) - PITT HALF, Week 2 of 12, Day 2

Back to the gym.  Lifted legs...quads are beat. 

Also did a little core work.  And when I say "little", i mean "little".  Wish I wouldnt keep falling off the ab-wagon.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

(Year 1, Day 21) - PITT HALF, Week 2 of 12, Day 1

Great start to the week!  Very tough spin class last night, but really went at it hard.  Shins are back to normal.  I could feel my left knee a little through the middle of the workout...but it shook itself out and I really finished hard.  My quads were beat last night.  But everything feels good today.

And mandy liked her new shoes :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

(Year 1, Day 20) - 11 weeks to PITTSBURGH!

First week of training is in the books.  Despite having to juggle some workouts, due to Valentine's day, I still hit the mileages I planned to hit. 

I wish I felt a little more in running shape, but what can I expect after a 4 month off-season.  Taking time off means having the confidence that you can get back to form with the proper training regimen.

In the weeks to come, I really need to focus on my Chi-Running points. 

11 Weeks to Pittsburgh!


(Year 1, Day 20) - PITT HALF, Week 1 of 12, Day 5, 6, 7

45 min run.  FELT LIKE SHIT.  Everything felt bad; stride, shins, breathing.  Just an absolute miserable night.  Not gonna let myself be discouraged by it.  Hopefully with a few more runs (concentrating on proper stride technique), ill start feeling comfortable again.

Skated pretty hard tonight for Thundercat's second win in a row.

Shins were REALLY hurtin for the hours before the game.  Two days after the first hard run...I am not surprised by this.  Was having a tough time walking around.  However, I didnt even notice them during the game.  They should calm down over the next 48 hours.


Went skiing all day with Mandy.  Ill take this as a cross-training/lifting day that I missed on Friday...because of having to shift the long run.  Shins both still a little sore.  Took a lot of advil in the morning.  Anticipating they will feel a lot better tomorrow.

Friday, February 17, 2012

(Year 1, Day 17) - PITT HALF, Week 1 of 12, Day 4

First track Workout of the training schedule, last night.  Mandy and I like to get in our track workouts a little later in the evening.  Something about running fast, under the lights, can really rejuvenate the soul.

Warmup:     1600m acceleration
Workout:     7 x 400 @ 5k pace (90sec)
Recovery:    100m walk/jog
Cool Down:  1200m 

As anticipated, I did not feel too quick...despite hitting my splits.  Left shin is feeling a little tight today...probably because a was pushing off a little and not allowing myself to just fall forward.  I expected this for the first fast workout...and i have not practiced my stride in some time.  As the weeks progress, I should be able to hold proper stride longer.

Hockey game tomorrow and skiing Sunday...means my distance run will be tonight :)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

(Year 1, Day 16) - PITT HALF, Week 1 of 12, Day 3

Ran an easy 4 today with Steve and his dad.  Weather was decent.  Body felt good.  No pains.  See if that keeps up for the upcoming track workout.

If you are interested in a group run, once a week...come out to runClub!  A small group of runners meet at Kiski Area High School every wednesday night (Freeport-Butler Trail in the Spring/Summer/Fall).  All ages and skill levels are welcome!  Just message me if you'd like to come out.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

(Year 1, Day 15) - PITT HALF, Week 1 of 12, Day 2

Can't do the workout you intended to do today?  Not a problem...things come up.  Make sure,if this happens to you, you rearrange your week to allow each of your scheduled workouts to get done!

Today was Valentine's day...which means I spend the day showing Mandy how happy I am that she's in my life :) 

I think Mandy is learning that dating me, in relation to gifts, means less jewelery & more fitness gear :)

She'll look pretty hot in her new spin shoes!   :-o

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

(Year 1, Day 14) - PITT HALF, Week 1 of 12, Day 1

FYI:  Updates have been made to my 12-week schedule.  And I fixed all errors in the "Daily-Breakdown."]

First day of OFFICIAL half marathon training.  Mandy and I took a moment, before going in to spin class to think how long 12 weeks seems right now.  Ready to ENJOY THE PROCESS!!!

Felt decent today.  Have been spinning the last few weeks...so the quads are getting used to the work.  Left knee started hurting a bit late in the workout.  Instructor passed out Hershey Kisses after the workout BOOOOOM!!!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

(Year 1, Day 10) - Daily Breakdown

For an overview of my entire 12-week training schedule, see my previous post.  Today's post will breakdown/explain the work week.

7-Day Weekly Layout
(1) Long Day
(1) Interval / Hill Day
(2) Medium Days
(2) Easy Days
(1) Rest Day


(MEDIUM/HARD)  I start off the week with a perfect example of cross training.  Cross training is all about one's personal preferences.  Who knows, you may enjoy running everyday...however, I do not.  Don't get me wrong, I love running.  However, I love overall health/fitness more.  Thats why you will see quite a bit of non-running working outs in my week.  If you take the same approach, you have to trust that your body is getting the work it needs...even tho you're not running 6 days a week.  Be confident! 

THIS IS NOT AN EASY DAY!  Every Monday I participate in a 1 hour spin class at my gym.  I have only taken classes at one gym...so I cant speak to how difficult they are across the board.  But these classes are quite intense, and count as a medium/hard day.  For me, they take the place of my Tempo Run.  You can get in a killer workout, without pounding the pavement.  If you are a gym member, and they offer spin classes, Check Them Out!

(EASY)  "Stength training is a waste of time.  Runners dont need to lift weights.  Blah Blah Blah"  shutup.  If your sole interest in life is running, by all means, don't lift weights.  But I highly recommend, to anyone interested in their long-term health, to start a strength training regimen. 

I began lifting while in college, and fell in love with it.  Unfortunately, I have a severe case of golfer's & tennis elbow...so I may be suspending most of my lifting over the next few weeks. 

For now, due to the upper body injuries, i have decided to suspend all upper body lifting (except for rotational shoulder cuff exercises needed to rehab my shoulder impingement).  So Tuesday will be a Leg/Core/Shoulder day.

(EASY/MEDIUM)  Holy heck, I'm runnin!  Wednesday runs vary from 4 to 5 miles.  This is mostly an easy day.  Days labeled as "Pace" are to be run at my 1/2 marathon goal-pace.

If anyone is interested in a group run, message me about 'runClub'.  We meet every Wednesday night...rain or shine...all year round.

(HARD)  If you're new to running, you may not incorporate intervals into your weekly routine.  For those of you who are new to running, an interval workout is comprised of short (but fast) bursts of running...with walking or jogging recoveries between each short burst.  I like to do these workouts on a track.  If you are comprehensive about running at a track, try to avoid busy times of the day; go on weekends, or late evenings (school sports will usually be on the track around 3-6 on weekdays, as well as Saturday mornings).

Intervals are great for a number of reasons.  For those who are really looking to improve their racing times, intvals will get you running fast.  For those who are using running as a way to either lose weight or stay in shape, your body will get used to doing the same medium-paced runs everyday.  Intervals are the perfect remidy to confuse/shock your body...and boost your metabolism (and drop pounds).

REMEMBER:  Make sure you are fully warmed up before intervals.  My warm up: run a 1 mile acceleration, 10-15 minutes of stretching, a couple striders.

(REST)  One of the most important days of the week.  Your body needs to recover.  Your muscles need time to repair the muscle fibers you are tearing with working out.  PLEASE REST.

(MEDIUM)  Another great example of incorporating the activities you love into your training schedule:  I play ice hockey every Saturday evening.  Pretty tough games make for an Easy/Medium Day.  I will replace with an easy 3-4 mile run on days that hockey gets canceled.

(HARD)  Probably the most important day of the week.  Sundays are reserved for Distance/Long runs.  When looking at my schedule, you will see these runs as an overall time, rather than mileage.  Depeding on speed, the 2 hour runs will end up being longer than 13.1 miles.  If you are little newer to running, stick with set miles for long runs (see Mandy's schedule).  You do not need to kill the long runs.  Pick an area that you enjoy running, and just get the mileage in.  Its all about putting miles on your legs.

When looking at my schedule, long runs marked with a "3 / 1" are meant to be run as a normal distance run for the first 3 quarters...then cranked up to half marathon race pace for the final quarter.