Wednesday, February 8, 2012

(Year 1, Day 7) - Training starts Monday!

Official Pittsburgh Training Schedule starts MONDAY!!! 

Yes it's true.  For many of us Yinzers, the Pittsburgh Marathon is less than 13 weeks away.  What does this mean? 

Well, for anyone running 26.2 miles on May 6th, it means you probably ate your bowl of oatmeal this morning and put in some solid miles.

For anyone running 13.1 miles, it means it's time to get your butt off the couch and into your running shoes!

With that being said, Mandy & I will be participating in the Half Marathon.  And whether you are running the full marathon, the half, or the is important to lay out a training schedule for the weeks leading up to the race.

Making Your Schedule:
About a year ago, I was looking to put together a schedule for an upcoming 10k.  During a group run, my former Track & Cross Country coach (Melissa Schaeffer) suggested I look into the schedules of a man named Hal Higdon.  Considering all of Mrs. Schaeffer's incredible running accomplishments (collegiate all-american, impressive post collegiate marathon resume, and being my favorite coach :) )...I HIGHLY respect her opinion in the world of running.

Using Higdon's 10k schedule, with some of my own modifications, I ran a personal best 10k of 37:40.  So I am SOLD!

Whats Great about Higdon?

1)  Dashingly good looks ^^^

2)  (most importantly) provides programs for all skill levels.  ie:  Half Marathon:  Novice 1, Novice 2, Intermediate 1, Intermediate 2, Advanced. 
3)  Day-by-day calendar breakdown of EXACTLY what to run each day

4)  Explains exactly how to run each workout, how you should feel during the workout, and the importance of each type of workout.
So if are competing in any of the Pittsburgh Marathon events, and are a little lost on where to begin...PLEASE GO TO HIS WEBSITE!!!
Mandy & I have finally completed modifications to our 12 week schedule, and I will be posting them within the next few days!!!

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