Thursday, February 2, 2012

(Year 1, Day 1): Enjoy the Process

Since I began competing in the sport of Triathlon, I have always had the ultimate goal in mind:  Become an Ironman

So what's special about today?  I'm not really sure.  Nothing in my current life is out of the ordinary...nothing that would make me think 'it is finally time.'  I am working the same job I have been for the past 2 years.  I am still running, lifting, playing hockey (and enjoying all of them).  I am loving my girlfriend, and she is loving me back. 

There is really no downside to life at the moment. 

Every few months, my mind starts to wonder toward "The Goal".  My wondering mind is usually triggered by something; an upcoming race, planning at the end of an offseason, or just randomly triggered.  This particular time, it was the planning of the upcoming Pittsburgh Marathon.

Mandy and I will be running the Pittsburgh 1/2 Marathon on Sunday May 6th (a little over 3 months from today).  This will be Mandy's first 1/2 marathon, and I'm very excited for her...both for training with her and for the event itself.   Yesterday, I began planning our training schedule.  A twelve week schedule, starting in about 2 weeks.  We have had a solid offseason since our last race;  The Pittsburgh Great Race (Sept 25, 2011).  So it has been about a 4-month offseason (from running).

So back to yesterday:  As I sat, planning out our next 12 weeks of training, the question crept into my it always does;  "Erik, when are you gonna seriously start thinking about the Ironman?"

That question led to the, not out-of-the-ordinary, Ironman internet surfing; training schedules, success stories, stories of failer.  This surfing also lead me to one very important piece of advice.

"Make one of your goals to enjoy the PROCESS."

This advice came from coach Brendon Downey of

Over the past 7 years, I have read countless articles and watched just about every IM world championship...and this is the number one piece of advise I have read.  This is the reason I have started this blog.  What better way to enjoy the process than to share the process with others. 

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