Monday, February 27, 2012

(Year 1, Day 27) - PITT HALF, Week 2 of 12, Day 5,6,7

MUCH NEEDED day off.  Mandy, due to a commitment this Sunday, had to run her distance day today.  I went with her to the school and was considering spending some time on the track to practice my stride.  I decided that a full rest would be more beneficial to my body, and did not work on the stride.

Mandy did however do her distance run...i thought she was gonna blow away.  What a trooper!

Another good/hard skate.  Thundercats extend their win streak to 3 in a row!  Body felt great all day.  Only negative is that puck drop was at 11:30pm.  DIdnt get to sleep till 2am...and long run in the a.m.

So what, lets do it!

Mornings like this are why I'm so happy to be a runner.

Surprisingly, after getting to bed around 2am from an 11:30 hockey game, I did not struggle to wake-up at all.  The past week has been hanging around in the 40s/50s, so having a cold/snowy evening was a little shocker.  But the morning was beautiful! 

I arrived at the trail around 9am.  When i pulled into the trail head there was not a single vehicle awaiting my arrival.  The sun was shining, the air was cold, and an untouched coating of snow was waiting for me on the trail.  Life doesnt get any better:)

60min distance run.  Put in 8 miles even in 1:04.19.  Speed did not fluxuate at all...stayed at a very consistent 8-8:05 minute pace.  The run felt pretty easy in general.  Tried to stay at a relaxed pace so i could concentrate on my stride throughout.  The entire run felt very comfortable except for the last 2 miles...and that was not due to the pace, but more so my morning cup-o-coffee catching up with my stomach (gross face).

Ready for a long day of beer and wings with the Kowalski family.

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