Friday, February 17, 2012

(Year 1, Day 17) - PITT HALF, Week 1 of 12, Day 4

First track Workout of the training schedule, last night.  Mandy and I like to get in our track workouts a little later in the evening.  Something about running fast, under the lights, can really rejuvenate the soul.

Warmup:     1600m acceleration
Workout:     7 x 400 @ 5k pace (90sec)
Recovery:    100m walk/jog
Cool Down:  1200m 

As anticipated, I did not feel too quick...despite hitting my splits.  Left shin is feeling a little tight today...probably because a was pushing off a little and not allowing myself to just fall forward.  I expected this for the first fast workout...and i have not practiced my stride in some time.  As the weeks progress, I should be able to hold proper stride longer.

Hockey game tomorrow and skiing Sunday...means my distance run will be tonight :)

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