Monday, February 27, 2012

(Year 1, Day 27) - 10 weeks to PITTSBURGH!

2 weeks of training is in the books.  These are the kind of weeks I enjoy...when all runs are done on the days I had originally planned.  Something about not having to juggle the week makes me feel more accomplished.  Not that it matters...probably just my over sensitive need for structure...

I used the 4miler on Wednesday & 8 miler on Sunday to really focus on my stride and block everything else out.  After a very difficult first week, this week felt MUCH BETTER.  I put some mileage on the legs, and everything feels great.

This upcoming week will be a lot of juggling.  Mandy and I will be at 7 springs all the runs will be done between Monday and Thursday. 

Monday = Spin
Tuesday = Track Workout
Wednesday = 4 mile runClub
Thursday = Long run

Holy shit...better get crackin!


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