Friday, February 3, 2012

(Year 1, Day 2): Blogging vs Logging

Another major reason for the new interest in blogging, is for the purpose of a running log.  Since I began running, I have logged just about every mile, every bike ride, even most lifting one of these...

The Runner's World Training Diary:  a spiral bound notebook, broken into calendar days.  Each day allows space to log mileage, as well as recap anything you wish to remember about your workout.  I have stacks of these things at home.  It is a great tool for any athlete, and I anticipate continuing to use them even as I explore this new medium of blogging.  If you are interested in a training diary, you can still purchase them on Amazon at:

In 2001, Runner's World released a new Training Log:   Runner's World Training Journal.

I had read some bad reviews, mainly focused around not enough comment space.  Using Amazon's "look inside" feature, I confirmed there was not enough space for me to recap my workouts, so I stuck with the first log above.  However, today's reviews credit Runner's World with "listening to the critiques, and responding", and have apparently added more comment space.  May be something to check out!

So I said, I have stacks of these things at home.  The funny thing is, I've always thought I used running logs so as to have a source of reference material for later.  BUT, I almost NEVER go back to review a log.  And when I do find myself flipping through past log books, its more for entertainment than reference material.  They're a really cool way to relive some of the past.  You can see exactly how you were feeling the morning of a big race (ramping up your nerves all over again)...or reminisce over runs you can't even remember:  "today I did 5 hard with Wagz and Pajak.  Hung on, but really feeling it now." 

So I do not log my runs as a way of tracking progress, as I originally intended it.  I guess I do it as a way of "Enjoying the Process." 

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